Well we have finally hit land. Today we were in France, so I have to back up a few days.
Our first port of call was Cork in Ireland. We were in technical reheresals for the new cast most of the day. We had a few hours off between runs and some poeple got off and went to the local pub for a quick drink, but none of us had time to get into Cork, its about a 30 min. shuttle ride. I didn't bother to get off the ship, I was really tired and needed a few hours of rest. Besides, it was raining most of the day, and raining sideways to boot.
The next day we were on Falmouth (Cornwall), England. We had a tech run in the morning, then had to be back on board for backstage tour. The ship does not have a place to dock here, so we had to tender. And what a long tender ride it is, we are about a 20 minute ride away from shore. We finished the tech run at about 12:30 and desided that we had enough time to get off and find a place for fish and chips. Now all aboard for us was 3:00pm and the passengers at 3:30, and the ship sails at 4. Well we arrived at the pier to get the tender at 2:30. What else should happen to show up at the same time, but all of the passengers that had gone on tour that day. So something like 1000 people were all in line, and we were in the middle. We finally got onto a tender at 4:25pm. We got back to the ship at 4:50. Luckely we didn't have too many people at the backstage tour, so they were very undersanding and so was the production manager. We did have fun doing part of the tour on the tender boat, the passengers got a kick out of it, and I got a lot of complements about the lighting on the cruise.
Now to today.
Today we are in Northern France, LaHavre. This is the port city that us use to get to Paris. Paris is about 150 miles away, so if you don't have the entire day off you can't go to Paris. We had to be back for a Technical rehersal so we couldn't go. But we did manager to have a few hours to walk around LaHavre. We walked around a few parks, and tried to find a coffee shop, but didn't have much luck. We finally found some friends of ours, and ate with them. I had a nice ham and cheese omlette. Don't ask me how to say it in French, but it was good. My friend Sean was still hungry so we walked around till we finally found the mall, and McDonalds. He had a milkshake. I was still a bit hungry, but come on McDonalds I told him. Lets get something at the pastry stand we passed. I got a cossante, and a baguet. Very nice. I looked for a cheese shop, sorry a fromage shop, to have with my baguet, but didn't have any luck. My Uncle would have been proud of me. He has always told me the best lunch in France is to just get some nice bread, and cheese and have a sit in the park. Well I got to do most of those things. I shall have to find a cheese shop when I hopefully get to Paris in a month or two. We don't come back to paris for a while.
Well that was a lot of info. I will update after our short cruises in about a month, if not before.