Thursday, January 05, 2006

Ship Vibrations

Well today we are in Cozumel. As some of you might or might not know. Cozumel suffered a lot of damage from hurricane Wilma this past season. Hence all three of Cozumels piers got destroyed. I haven't seen any work being done as of yet to get them replaced, but the Mexicans work in strange ways sometimes. We are going to show up one week and they will be done. Although most of the piers are actually Own by the cruise lines and not the Mexican government, only time will tell. So ship vibrations; unlike Grand Caymen yesterday, we can not anchor here, we have to use dynamic positioning all day. This means the the big bow thrusters are going all day long and a computer on the bridge makes subtle corrections all day long to keep us in one place. Well living on deck 1 at the front of the ship, means that your room shakes and vibrates all day long.

I got a call from my friend Brandon at around 11:30, they had just made an announcement that the ship was going to let crew off. He wanted to go eat Chinese. I don't think he realized yet that we were actually tendering to downtown today not were we were a few weeks ago. I really didn't want to get off the ship today, and I also knew he didn't have any cash (too many cigars purchases), so I told him no. He had been up till four am anyway drinking like normal so I knew he was hung over and would go back to bed anyway.

So off to the mess to see what crap they are trying to feed us today. Hamburgers, yeee haaaa. They aren't the worst I have ever had, but nothing special. I tried to bring it to life with some of the bbq sauce from the chicken but it really didn't help. The French fries weren't too bad today, they tend to very.

Well I guess its time to fix a few lights. I am hopefully going to try and solve my problem of a few of the Mac 500 not indexing the same all the time. I think the patterns just need to be secured better in the light.

Talk to you all tomorrow. Parade, and Quest tonight.

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